Day 15: SLC and Bear Lake

Day 15: Salt Lake City and Bear Lake

Woooweee how we love to sleep in! Today, we got to sleep until 7:15am before packing up and heading into the heart of Salt Lake City to Temple Square for a tour from the Mormons! On the way there, we ate muffins and apples for breakfast and jammed out to music starting our day off right. When we got to Temple Square, we were separated into 2 groups where two Sisters joined each group as our tour guides! They showed us their church and the Tabernacle which we got to go inside! We also "sort of" saw the temple. The temple is undergoing some construction so it was covered up, but we did get to see the original foundation exposed as they were working on it. The temple won't be finished until 2026! We learned so much and a huge thank you to Sister Griffin, Sister Peterson, Sister Sofoul, and Sister Lewis for showing us around and answering all our questions!!

After the tour, we were taken to Salt Lake City's biggest mall and got to shop for 3 hours. Some people went to the Apple store to talk to their families and others went to shops such as Lululemon, Free People, American Eagle, and more. For lunch, we go to eat at the mall. There were plenty of options but OF COURSE most of us went to good ole Chick-fil-A, we have missed it! Around 1:00pm, we loaded the vehicles and began our drive to Bear Lake!!! The views were absolutely breathtaking as we drove. We pulled in right around 5:45pm and immediately began unpacking and changing so that we could go jump in the lake! Some of us swam for about 10 minutes before it was time for our next competition... the WATER BALLOON TOSS! In each dwarf group, we had to partner up and throw the water balloon back and forth taking steps back each time. If you dropped it or it popped on you, you were out! In the end, the Sneezys (GO US!) took the win and celebrated with a team chant. 
Unfortunately, right after the comeptition, dark clouds started to roll in and a storm took over for a little bit causing us to not be able to swim in the lake anymore. We quickly tarped our stuff and moved it all under the shelter before climbing on the bus and vans to ride it out. We still had a fun time though listening to music until it passed! After it was all over, we set up tents as another storm was coming later on in the night...boooooo tents!

For our dinner, we had a 4th of July feast! Our feast included burgers, chips, watermelon, cookies, and blue punch...YUM
Shortly after cleaning up, guess what we got? WE GOT MAIL!!!!!!! It was so exciting seeing everyone open their packages. Some laughed, some cried; we felt all the emotions tonight!
After going through all our goodies, pictures, and letters, we tarped up again and head to bed in the tents! The storm came barreling in and lasted for a while, but the sound of the rain slowly put all of us to sleep. Zzzzzz

Tomorrow, we will be heading to Wyoming and celebrating the 4th of July in true western style!

-The Sneezys

The sisters who gave one tour!

They were so excited for a taste of home!

Even more excited to get to nap!

Today's Sleepers:

Sleeping with eyes open.....? (Cohen)

Emma Grace


Look how GRACEful she looks (Grace)

Kiya sleeping per usual 
Double Whammy! Caught Reese and Mary lacking 

Katherine sleeping sound!

Hunter stopping to smell the flowers while he naps!!

Just Samantha getting her beauty rest 

Mama Luke needed rest after cooking a delicious breakfast!

Fletcher, Dallas and Coleman getting 4th of July ready!

Dopey's getting our delicious meal...

Hudson's concentration!!
First toss of finals...
Water balloon time!!!

The finalists!!!

Emma excited to swim...

Our cool counselors and shirts Elizabeth's aunt made!! 

Back in the van because of the storm

Pitched the tents so we didn't get wet ... YAY!!!!

The calm before the crazy storm